Saturday, July 15, 2006

Secrets of the Tarahumara, "The Running People"

One of the most remote people on the planet, fewer than 40,000 Tarahumara remain. When they do emerge from NW Mexico they run and win 100-mile ultramarathons, wearing sandals and togas. What are the secrets of a people whose diet consists of beer and corn "pinole", with near zero incidence of disease?

Until that strange scene in 1993, no one had ever taken the Leadville Trail 100 ultramarathon lightly. Leadville forces racers to run and climb 100 high-altitude miles over the scrabbly trails and snowy peaks of the Colorado Rockies. You don't train for Leadville with intervals and striders; you train the way a prison gang handles a rock pile, by constantly banging out lots of slow, steady miles and building the kind of thin-air endurance that lets you grind along at 15 minutes a mile all day long and then continue into the night. The Leadville ultra, you could say, is closer to mountaineering than marathoning.

But there, next to the carefully pulse-monitored and Polar-Fleeced top seeds at the 1993 starting line, were a half-dozen middle-aged guys in togas, smoking butts and shooting the breeze, deciding whether they should wear some new Rockport cross-trainers they'd been given earlier or the sandals they'd made out of old tires scavenged from a nearby junkyard. Most opted for the sandals. They weren't stretching or warming up or showing the faintest sign that they were about to start one of the most grueling ultramarathons in the world.

read more | digg story

1 comment:

Traffic Ticket Team said...

How would I find a trainer in my area (Boynton Beach FL) who could train me the way the author was trained.